Dieting Hack : 3 Tricks That Work to Win the Carb Craving Game

CARBS- we love them!

I stand by the notion that the foundation to healthy eating habits does not rely on restrictions to help you achieve your goals in weight loss, energy, and physical health. That said, it is important for you to know your body and what works for you and the only way to figure this out is to track it. Now, research does show that reducing carb intake supports reducing body fat percentages. The only problem is that we cannot sustain a life without carbs for long

Cutting carbs does not have to be painful or difficult. In fact, there are some expert approved strategies that will leave you full and satisfied. Dare I say, you will even enjoy eating again and find happiness. This is true not just because I’ve experienced it myself, but because of research that discusses the correlation of food and mood. In addition to aiding in weight loss, cutting back on refined sugars found in carbs can decrease mood swings and stress. Keep reading for 3 tips to stop carb cravings in their tracks.


Get to know what your experience is with carbs. Take an inventory of what carbs you are eating in the first place. The easiest way to do that is with a food tracking journal or writing in your meals in your daily planner. Not all carbs are created equal and adjusting your carb intake could be as simple as cutting back on “white” carbs. These are things like muffins, bagels, french fries, and soda. They are better known for being empty carbs that are void of any nutritional value and can cause spikes in blood sugar… hello craving. 

Fun Fact: The area of the brain triggered by these spikes in blood sugar are the same for addictive behaviors…. Insert aha moment. Yes I’m saying your body becomes addicted to carbs!


The stories we tell ourselves about foods and the horrid labels we give ourselves for consuming foods or cravings foods really sets us up for failure. It is so easy for us to get trapped in the emotional turmoil of eating and restricting. Instead, honor your craving… and find a healthy replacement. It’s ok to say “I want something sweet, salty, or crunchy.” Usually we say things like “I have to have chocolate” or “I can’t ever eat sweets”. We often forgo meals because it feels like we can’t eat what is being served. Resist the urge to forgo a meal because “you are giving up carbs”. Allowing yourself to become hungry leads to negative thoughts, increase focus on food, and some negative effects within the body and associations with feeding. So, instead of restricting, get curious and substitute. Think of it as a chance to try new foods rather than focusing on “I can’t have carbs.” Figure out why you like certain treats for instance with chips I enjoy the crunch and salt. Some days I allow for the treat and most days I will choose some nuts or veggie substitute. This substitute will leave you actually feeling fuller and satisfied longer.

Here are some healthy substitutes:
-Kale Chips are super easy to make or pick up from the store and oh so yummy. These veggie alternatives may create an addiction.

-Enjoy nuts over popcorn or pretzels

– Get some veggies with a crunch like cucumbers, carrots, cauliflower

-Swap soda: try teas, flavor water with citrus 

** bonus: this increase in water will also help keep cravings at bay


Yes it’s that simple and by doing what works I mean leave the emotion and the sensory chatter behind and think about what does my body need and enjoy. Be honest with this one guys and again get curious and understand your body. To better understand what works for you start keeping a food diary . I have had great success with both programs from Beachbody, 2B Mindset and Portion Fix (examples of tracking below). 


If you are feeling overwhelmed by the many things you could change, a good start to improving mood is to Start the Day Strong. Starting your day off on the right foot fuels you for success. Your body is full and satisfied which will also lead to craving healthier options when you become hungry. Plus as we talked about your food impacts your mood and research also indicates that protein rich meals prevent overeating. Protein actually suppresses the hunger hormone. Eat a protein, veggie, and healthy fat packed breakfast and drink plenty of water to get your day started right (ie.omelet with avocado/ or protein shake with fruit, avocado and spinach).

Consider taking a break from alcohol or clear things up. Alcohol is typically an emotional or sensory choice. You feel some type of way that encourages you to fit in, drown the pain, suppress the nerves, reduce the stress. Or you simply see it and smell it so you have to have it. Consider scaling back to see how you feel. To do this at first you may need to have a beverage alternative or a distraction of sorts. The effect of alcohol on the body and decision making skills is undeniable. Getting buzzed only increases cravings for carb loaded foods and it becomes increasingly more difficult to make healthier choices.

If you really enjoy beer with your football game. Honor your right to choice and decide your limit. Treating is not cheating. When you treat yourself you aren’t doing it from guilt and you allow yourself to enjoy. If you are repeatedly feeling guilty and not reaching your weight loss or health goals you will want to try something different. You could even try clearer alcohols which contain fewer sugars.

So let’s keep carbs and get smart about how we allow them into our daily meals because no one benefits from HANGRY and Negative Nancy.

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