The stories we tell ourselves about foods and the horrid labels we give ourselves for consuming foods or cravings foods really sets us up for failure. It is so easy for us to get trapped in the emotional turmoil of eating and restricting. Instead, honor your craving… and find a healthy replacement. It’s ok to say “I want something sweet, salty, or crunchy.” Usually we say things like “I have to have chocolate” or “I can’t ever eat sweets”. We often forgo meals because it feels like we can’t eat what is being served. Resist the urge to forgo a meal because “you are giving up carbs”. Allowing yourself to become hungry leads to negative thoughts, increase focus on food, and some negative effects within the body and associations with feeding. So, instead of restricting, get curious and substitute. Think of it as a chance to try new foods rather than focusing on “I can’t have carbs.” Figure out why you like certain treats for instance with chips I enjoy the crunch and salt. Some days I allow for the treat and most days I will choose some nuts or veggie substitute. This substitute will leave you actually feeling fuller and satisfied longer.
Here are some healthy substitutes:
-Kale Chips are super easy to make or pick up from the store and oh so yummy. These veggie alternatives may create an addiction.
-Enjoy nuts over popcorn or pretzels
– Get some veggies with a crunch like cucumbers, carrots, cauliflower
-Swap soda: try teas, flavor water with citrus
** bonus: this increase in water will also help keep cravings at bay