Back to School


That dreaded time of year for everyone involved- parents, teachers, and kiddos.  

You know it all too well.

Supplies, uniforms, changes in routines, your kids feelings, more demands at work….

Back to school is typically a source of increased responsibility, change, and stress for most of us.

Change does not have to be a bad thing, it’s just different.  It’s how you adapt to that change that will impact your experience.

You know this time of year. 

You know it’s busy.

So, set yourself up for a smoother transition and keeping yourself on track with your goals.  Do not let this be the reason you stop working out or the reason you make poor food choices or forget to eat all together, and stop the self care.  It’s so easy to stop meal prepping because you are tired and put it off. So then out of exhaustion you do the easy thing and pull through the drive through at McDonalds.  You forget to eat and drink water because you are slammed at the office. You skip your workout because it is now 10pm and you are exhausted. It happens year after year.

This year can be different.  This year you can set yourself up for a smoother start to the school year and stay on track with your health and fitness goals.

Back to School Tips

Try these 3 Tips for a Smoother Transition:

  1. Plan ahead for the change- what will your new schedule look like? Set it up and write it down  so you can be successful. Decide what time of day is best to get in your 20-30 minute sweat session based on your other responsibilities.  Decide when you will plan your meals for the week. Decide what day you need to grocery shop and when you will prep what you buy. Once you decide what works for you write it in your agenda or on your calendar.
  2.  Prep your meals for the week because the chaos will come and you will feel more confident through that chaos
  3. Set reminders/alarms for meals and water- you need the energy to be mom

You get to choose how your day goes. 

Now I know you are thinking, “no I don’t, Brynne, things just happen.”  Yes and no.

Some things will just happen and some things you have the ability to impact change and are more in control than you think.  By planning your days, more days than not you will feel way more in control of your life.

Close your eyes and think about those mornings your kids wake you up, you’re running through the house trying to get them fed, dressed, hair brushed, and on time.  You are aggravated by every little thing and fussing all morning. Your kids are fussing back or whining. Now turn to a morning where you wake up, get your workout in, shower, get dressed, pop the egg muffins into the microwave or pour the cereal, wake the kids up, already have their backpacks, lunches and yours packed, maybe you even eat together.  You are smiling, more patient, you jam out in the car to the soundtrack of Trolls on the way to school, walk your kids in and shuffle off to the rest of your day.

Which do you prefer? Choose peace. Choose joy by committing to what works for you and your family. 


Do a similar visualization as you just did with morning routine but think about what an after work and school day would look like if you are prepped versus un-prepped with meals.  


Choose your story.  I can tell you on weeks I’ve prepped, planned, and followed through- I get through the chaos so much better.  Every day won’t be perfect, but I promise you will have way more better days than stressful days.

Do you feel that your are falling behind on your health? Do you need to take more time for yourself?

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