Fitness Motivation: 10 Thoughts Keeping You From Success & How to Overcome Them

Mind over Matter!

A common phrase that speaks volumes.

Now how do you do it?


I know, some of you might be thinking, easier said than done. Well you are right, but no one ever said change is easy we just promise that the change is worth it when it comes to good health and positive thinking. Kind of like when your whole world changed when you got to hold your precious baby for the first time. I didn’t know it all then, I still don’t, but I know that keeping myself in check and showing up daily as a mom is a must. The same with your health and fitness!

I find myself talking to moms daily about how their mindset is sabotaging their success. It is really a shame how hard we are on ourselves and how cruel we can be. We are quick to kindness with others, but it’s harder for us to look in the mirror and show the reflection the same love. I think it is so important for you to realize you are lovable/ valuable, treat yourself with kindness, and allow for success. To do this we have to adjust our mindset. Let’s dive in, get to the real talk about mindset.

When we feel stuck, it’s because we are. The way we feel. The way we think. What we do. It all effects each other. If I’m feeling disappointed and tell myself I’m fat or it’s hopeless, then I’m not going to do my workout because what’s the point. I’m not going to track because I’m going to eat the whole Mississippi mud pie and feel guilty. I’m going to avoid the scale because I don’t want to face what I know. The compound effect of this day in and day out leads to that rut. The opposite can happen if I change my thinking. If I say, today is a weight loss day. (see not sunshine, unicorns and rainbows, I’m not saying yay I’m___ lbs). Then I’m motivated to hop on the scale, track, go for my walk, smile…

Get comfortable with that fact that when you are emotional you aren’t thinking clearly. When I’m stressed, I can look like a chicken with my head cut off- not effective. Thinking not clear.
Here are the most common ways we think that sabotage wellness success:

10 Thoughts Keeping You From Success 
And How to Overcome Them
10 Thoughts Keeping You From Success And How to Overcome Them

1.)If you aren’t perfect, you are a total failure. If you don’t get everything you want, it feels like you got nothing.

These are very polarized thoughts.

Examples: You hop on the scale and don’t see a change in weight: “Ugh, I can’t do this, I will never lose this weight” or “I can’t..”
You approach the day feeling like you have to be perfect with your tracking, your water, your clean eating, your fitness.. Etc. And if it’s not perfect you failed.

2.) You know the future and predict negative outcomes.

Examples: Someone describes a health program- “I’m not going to be able to stick to this.”
You crave a treat- “see I’m definitely going to fail at this”
“I give up!”

3.) You make a sweeping negative conclusion that exceeds the circumstance.

Examples: You show up for your workout and had trouble completing the routine- “Since I felt uncomfortable and didn’t look like everyone else, I’m going to struggle through this entire program.
“I’m stuck. I’m destined to be at this weight forever”

4.) Selective perception that tends to be negative and ignore the many positive things.

Examples: You have been tracking all week, drinking your water, and eating fairly well, but you over-indulged during the holidays at the dessert tray. “I’m totally screwing up and doing a terrible job with my nutrition plan”

5.) You now have super powers and know what people are thinking and feeling.

Examples: You present your tracker or check in with your coach and think “My coach is clearly disappointed in me.”
“People think I should be able to do it all”

6.) Your feelings become facts aka I feel it therefore it is.

Examples: I’m dreading my workout, therefore, it’s a bad idea to do it.
“I don’t care”

7.)You tell yourself that the positives don’t count.
Ex: “I had a weight loss day yesterday but that was a fluke”
“ People say I look great, but the scale hasn’t moved.”

8.) Extreme language to describe people, places, things, events.
Examples: Failure, Worthless, Stupid, plateau
“It’s too hard.”
“I’m so fat.”
“I’ve plateaued.”
“I was so bad.”

9.) You have a fixed idea of how you and others “should” behave and you overestimate how bad it will be if they do not behave in this prescribed way.

Examples : After 3 weeks of sticking to your fitness and/or nutrition program you “stop seeing changes” and you are disappointed and flooded with feelings- “I shouldn’t be so upset”“It’s terrible that I made a mistake, I should always do my best” “I shouldn’t have eaten that- I’m not tracking”“I should be able to perform like ____ on the workout video. I sucked today”

10.) You perceive yourself as the cause of things you have no control over or the target of something that has nothing to do with you. 

Examples: You share your wellness journey and the response is not what you hoped for or someone is short with you- “I must have done something to upset them”
“I must not be doing as well as I thought”

These thoughts are both untrue and hurt you by having you repeat the same behaviors over and over again that don’t make you feel better and lead to a downward spiral in the opposite direction from the results you deserve. 

So now that you know what you are doing, what do you do about it? First, be aware of what your body is like when you are emotional. Treat this information as warning signals. This can help you know things like when I fidget with my hands I’m starting to get uncomfortable, when I pace or my chest gets tight – I’m stressed. Then acknowledge the emotion (ex. I am feeling anxious, I am feeling disappointed..). Get comfortable with your feelings and knowing that your feelings aren’t facts. Take a minute and try to see all sides of the situation and stop assuming. Lastly, recognize that 2 things can exist at the same time and you will survive. You can be both disappointed that the scale did not move and have a weight loss day. You can be tired and get your fitness routine done. Because once you accept your emotion you can then problem solve how to care for it in a way that works for you.

Here are 10  helpful statements to help shift your mindset when trying to motivate yourself to continue to improve your health:

  1. I’m losing weight every day and today is a weight loss day
  2. I stumbled a bit last week, but I’m committed to making positive choices this week
  3. I can lose 2 pounds
  4. I clearly need to try something new
  5. I will get this weight off. I’m determined to get this weight off. I will make those changes
  6. I do care. I need to do this for my health and well being. I will do this for myself
  7. It’s ok that I feel disappointed- this is important to me. Let me think about what can go differently to help me feel better and reach my goals.
  8. My coach does want me to succeed and has my best interest in mind when it comes to my health
  9. I will keep showing up and trust the process
  10. My journey is my own and won’t look like anyone else’s, Modifying is progress.

A positive mindset leads to more positive outcomes. Positive is not sunshine, unicorns, and rainbows as I’ve said before. I’m not saying be blissfully unaware. Acknowledge and own your current health, but don’t beat a dead horse or name call. These more positive statements will help you actually commit to the behaviors that lead you to reach your goals. When you think today is a weight loss day you commit to drinking your water, eating your healthy choices, tracking, getting in a fitness routine and you make it work within the busy working mom life. When you follow through with these behaviors you will also notice positive changes in your mood, which will impact your relationships in a positive way.
Mama, you give so much to everyone else around you. It’s time to give that kindness to yourself, pay it inward while you pay it forward.

Shift your mindset and give yourself the life you deserve.

You can get started TODAY with my help. CLICK HERE to Join My Exclusive 2B Mindest Weightloss Group
