How Your Mental Health & Physical Health Are Connected

People are constantly talking to me about how their mood makes them unmotivated towards physical activity and draws them towards unhealthy eating habits as well as how their lack of physical activity and poor nutrition makes them feel worse about themselves.  It’s a never-ending cycle for people that keeps you stuck in this negative place. The World Health Organization coined the phrase “there is no health without mental health”.  AMEN! Your mind and your body play off each other so much. This connection between health and mental health is so apparent as I have or hear daily conversations.   When you consider your experiences of your emotions, thoughts, and behaviors, can you recognize how they are constantly influencing one another?  Let’s relate this to your fitness and nutrition using a story:

How Your Mental Health & Physical Health Are Connected

Mary is a 33-year-old mother of 2 who is suffering with postpartum depression.  She wants to get back to a healthy lifestyle of working out and eating right to help her lose weight and be able to keep up with the demands of being a mom.

1)      If Mary Sabotages: Mary feels depressed, has thoughts that she just can’t do this and she’s fat.  This makes her unmotivated to exercise or participate in most activities, her self-talk convinces her its ok to eat unhealthily, and chemicals in the body make her crave junk.  This experience day in and day out will result in perpetuating a negative lifestyle and exacerbate depressive symptoms.

2)      If Mary works towards Goals: Mary feels depressed.  She says to herself, I am feeling down today and I will commit to losing 2 lbs.  This recognition of her feelings and commitment to change in thought allows her to motivate towards eating according to her nutrition plan, track her eating, and complete her exercise.  Willingly choosing to give herself realistic and more positive thoughts positively impacts her behaviors as they move her towards her goals.

This story and its different perspectives illustrate that in either mindset the accumulation of thoughts and behaviors over time result in a compounding effect.  You have the control as to whether this outcome is towards your goals and well-being or sabotaging your efforts.  The only thing you have complete control of in life are your emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. If you can manage these, you can accomplish your goals and find success in life!

Does this article sound familiar? Are you thinking to yourself I wish it was that easy? Join my online Accountability and Support Group to connect with others in a NO JUDGMENT ZONE and jump-start your healthy lifestyle!!

**Stay tuned for future blog posts on how to combat common thinking mistakes that sabotage your health and fitness goals.

***Brynne Angelle is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker & Independent Team Beachbody Coach