Take Action!: How to Go from Inspired to Living the Life You Want

Are you trolling social media or reaching out to your friends and family looking for inspiration to get you out of your funk, motivate you to eat healthier, to do any form of exercise, and validate that you aren’t going crazy and aren’t alone? 

You aren’t alone in that either. 

How to go from inspired, to living the life you want

We are all guilty. After having our precious blessings, our children, we often times find ourselves lonely/ isolated, because our life is feeding, rocking, cleaning, sleep if lucky, and rinse-wash-repeat and we are looking for connection and support, a saving grace to bounce back.

In your search for inspiration you find a lot of messages and advice that have you saying, “Oh my God, YES!” 

Things like, “live your best life,” “change your mindset”, “take care of you the way you care for others”, “let go and let God,” “breathe, mommying is hard”, “your changed body carried your greatest gift, embrace the change”, “quick easy meals” “get a quality workout in 20 minutes”, “hustle and heart..” 

You are instantly inspired, motivated even, and then things stay the same because you get busy doing life, being a mom. Maybe you even think, my life isn’t so bad. Sure I’m exhausted because my baby wakes throughout the night, but I get by. I don’t feel good in my skin and I’m still wearing my maternity jeans, but they are so comfy and I don’t have time for anything else. Then deep down there is this draw to feel better and break free of this rut you are in so you keep scrolling and asking.

In these searches you see women who are living your life, but “doing it better”. Instantly, you feel both motivated and hopeless. You disqualify your ability to give yourself this life you are inspired by because you don’t have time, her life is different, etc. Maybe you buy-in and commit for a week and then fall off and revert back to old habits. Well, I’m here to tell you, because I was you, that if you want better for yourself, simply being inspired won’t give you the change you are looking for. The only way to effect change in your life is to TAKE ACTION!

Are you thinking, easier said than done, Brynne?  Shift that mindset! That thought is keeping you stuck and holding you back from reaching your goals.  Instead, say Brynne, you are right. What one thing can I do today to take action? Make this action purposeful.   If you want to live a better life, be fit, end gestational diabetes, decrease postpartum depression, lose the baby weight… ask yourself why.  What am I looking to gain from this change? Do you want to look in the mirror and like the reflection, have more energy to keep up with your kids, increase your desire to even be around your family/ anyone, decrease irritability, feel good when you put on your clothes, feel sexy, increase desire to have sex with your partner, or not fear your next doctor’s appointment?  

Your reason is important because it has to mean something to you to make the changes and this why helps you sustain effort towards the action when it’s hard, you are tired, or your mind is saying, nah.

Then ask yourself what are these women, who I admire doing.  Are they telling you what you can do or what they did to accomplish the life you want?  Here’s your sign… DO IT!

Your are 100% responsible for the life you are living, which is great because you have complete control over the rest of your life. Put a lid on the distractions that keep you from reaching your goals- the people and the problems. You know, the things that take so much energy, but get you nowhere closer to reaching your goals. Spending an abundance of time on negativity such as exhausting relationships, people with a poor mindset, political rants, news that is emotionally exhaustive does nothing to help motivate you towards the life you want. In fact it only derails you, because this is all energy you could be using towards your healthier lifestyle. Start paying attention to the things from relationships, conversations, and media that deflate you and eliminate or limit your intake. Spend time listening to, reading, and conversing about things that will motivate you towards your goal. Invest in yourself! Maybe you start reading a blog like this one regularly. Maybe you pick up a self help book/ audible (two of my favorites are The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy You are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life by Jen Sincero).

If you have felt any of the ways I described and have been following my journey, join my success group. Now many of you reading this may be saying, yea but. No buts. If your obstacle to your health has you stuck reach out to me, let’s look at a day in your life, and create a schedule that works for you and plugs in action steps to give you the life you want, accomplish your goals, and live the life you are inspired by and bring consistent joy to your life so you can be the woman, the mom, the wife you want to be. The people you surround yourself with greatly impact your outcomes and determine if you achieve the life you want or not. Ask yourself is what I’m being given by the people I’m surround myself with ok? Are they minimizing your goals or dismissing them in any way? If so replace these relationships with people you are inspired by. You excel to level of those around you so if you want to be healthy, fit, and happy- connect with people achieving success, like myself and the women in my Success Group.

Your life is 100% your own. You choose your story. You choose your health.

Comment below on how you will go from inspired to taking action.
