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Top 5 Must Have Parenting Books

Parenting is an unknown world when you first start and for each child there after (they don’t come with a manual).  I believe we all do our best with what we know and when we learn different it is our job to adjust for our child’s well-being. The resources for parenting are endless which is both great and paralyzing when you are looking for some support.

So, I’ve put together a list of some of my favorites that have been helpful in my own household and with clients, but remember parenting is personal so when looking for personal development resources in the parenting world you may have to go through a few until you find what works for you.

It’s okay if you are a few chapters into a book and you realize that it isn’t serving you well. Just put it aside until it can serve the purpose that it’s meant to serve. Don’t feel like you need to be reading the book that every other person is reading if it’s not applicable to where you are in your life!!

If you prefer listening, there are tons of parenting podcasts as well as YouTube videos or books that you can listen to on Audible!


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As a parent you want to be able to soothe your baby.  Dr. Karp has developed a method to help parents calm their baby in 5 simple steps by triggering the calming reflex.  This was a lifesaver in our home (we used these tactics for our two kids) and we read it after meeting a family with a baby who was the happiest child we had ever met.

THE ONE YOU WILL REREAD AND UNDERLINE: The Everyday Parenting Toolkit by Allen E. Kazdin

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Some of us are just naturals at parenting, or so it seems.  The rest of us wish our children came with an instruction manual.  Here it is! Kazdin takes you through the developmental stages and helps you to feel like a more capable and confident parent.

YOUR CHILD RUNS THE HOUSEHOLD: The Kazdin Method for Parenting the Defiant Child by Allen E Kazdin

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Kazdin’s method shatters many of our most common beliefs about discipline to provide you with an effective parenting strategy for the parent who feels that they have lost control.  If you’ve said “nothing works” give this a try with some patience in mind. You won’t be sorry.

BEST BOOKS FOR COMMUNICATING WITH YOUR CHILD OR TEEN: How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk and How to Talk to Teens so Teens Will Listen & Listen So Teens Will Talk by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish

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Image result for how to talk to kids so they listen

A great read for improving meaningful connections with your child(ren) that includes fun and engaging comic strips to bring to life the tools and strategies discussed.


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This fun to read book will better equip you as a parent in your understanding of your child’s unique personality. This is a must have for parents of all ages and you will be wondering why you didn’t read this years ago. Make sure you get extra copies because you will want to give them out to your friends.

What books have helped you with your parenting? Comment Below!

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